Physical Education
The Physical Education Program at Hampton Park is designed to prepare students for a healthy and active lifestyle through the development of skills, knowledge, and positive attitudes. Emphasis is placed on teamwork and sportsmanship, which incorporates our school values and encourages students to work in teams effectively to achieve their learning goals.
To achieve learning goals children are guided through a range of basic fundamental motor skills where they experiment with a range of techniques and begin to refine successful movement patterns. More complex skills are then introduced and children then attempt to apply appropriate skills in ever increasing challenging environments, such as team games in a wide variety of sports.
Opportunities at HPPS include: Swimming Lessons: F – Year 6 School Athletics Carnival: F – Year 6 District Athletics: Years 3 - 6
School Cross Country: F - Year 6 District Cross Country: Years 3 – 6
Beach day (focusing on safety around water): Years 3 - 6
Perceptual Motor Program (PMP): Foundation
NRL Gala Day: Years 5-6 Students at Hampton Park Primary School also have the opportunity to participate in a variety of other exciting programs and visits from elite sporting professionals.
District Sport
Hampton Park Primary School is a member of the Hampton Park District Sports Association.
Our grade 5/6 students train and compete in the Interschool Sport program and Lightning Prem competition with Summer sports in Semester 1 and Winter sports in Semester 2.
Teams that win the premiership at Lightning Prem move on to the divisional level competition.
The sports include:
Summer- Tee ball, volleystars, soccer, netball and T20 cricket. Winter- AFL, kickball, basketball, Hot Shots tennis and European handball.
The health program is implemented in the classroom through an integrated approach or as a single topic which may include food and nutrition, health benefits of physical activity, mental health and wellbeing, puberty and personal safety. The program is supported by the Life Education program from Prep-Grade 6. The 5/6 students are also involved in the Interrelate program.